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What Kansas City Property Owners Ought To Know Cicada Killers

Serving Families Throughout Overland Park
cicada killer wasp on a rock

One of the most frustrating pests that Kansas City property owners commonly encounter in the summertime is wasps. These pests are more than just a nuisance as they can post health risks in some cases. Because of their intimidating appearance and ability to sting, many people are quite scared of them.

While there are many kinds of wasps in the area, one of the most common is the cicada killer. This species might look scary because of its large size, but they are generally one of the less aggressive wasp species. And, unlike some other species, they are solitary and don’t live in large hives or nests. The female of the species will make a burrow in the grass or on the ground where she will lay her eggs. And, while they do eat nectar like other wasps and bees, the females are also known for hunting cicadas and feeding them to her young.

While you might have an idea of what wasps look like in general, it can be difficult to tell each species apart if you don’t know what to look for. This brief guide makes it easy to tell if the wasp you’re dealing with is a cicada killer:

  • They can reach up to 3 inches long.
  • They can be a range of colors from black to dull red.
  • They also have yellow and black stripes on their abdomens.
  • Their wings have a yellow tint and thick veins.
  • They are often seen flying close to the ground.

Are Cicada Killers Dangerous?

All species of wasps can be rather terrifying because they can sting, so having them fly around you isn’t pleasant. However, not all wasp species are aggressive or particularly dangerous. Cicada killers aren’t as dangerous or aggressive as species like yellow jackets. The male of the species doesn’t even have a stinger.

While males of the species tend to be more aggressive, they can’t harm you. On the other hand, female cicada killers do have stingers, but they aren’t known for being aggressive. They will go after people and sting them if they feel threatened, but they don’t have a strong nest-protecting instinct.

While the venom of a cicada killer paralyzes its insect victims, it’s not that harmful to humans. The biggest risk is having an allergic reaction.

Best Ways To Prevent Cicada Killers

While it’s not possible to completely prevent cicada killers, there are some things you can do to make your yard less appealing to them. By addressing underlying issues that could attract cicada killers to your property, you can lessen the likelihood that they’ll make nests in your yard.

Here are some of the best prevention tips:

  • They are attracted to places with large cicada populations, so addressing cicada infestations is a good place to start.
  • Cicada killers prefer sparse lawns and dry soil, so focus on watering your lawn and maintaining a lush yard.
  • Fertilizing your grass often can also help.
  • Get professional pest control help.

The Best Way To Handle Cicada Killers

Instead of trying to deal with cicada killers on your property by yourself, the smartest thing to do is to contact the pest control experts at Augustine Exterminators. With over 53 years of experience and an average of 17 years of experience for each employee, you can trust that our technicians can help you prevent and remove cicada killers and other wasps around your yard. Contact us today to learn more about our pest control services or to schedule a consultation.